
Spiral Down Video Shoot Behind the Scenes Pt.2

Spiral Down Video Shoot Behind the Scenes Pt.1

Spiral Down Video Shoot

Hey guys
So it's been a while since I've blogged.
I've been really busy preparing
For the Spiral Down Video Shoot.
We shot for 10 hours and it was exhausting
I feel for the model, and my good friend, Shannon
She did the most work
 With hair, makeup, and garment changes
Along with walking, dancing, and posing.
The night before,
We had one inch acrylic nails glued on her,
Rendering her nearly crippled and unable to use her hands.
xD, thank you Shannon.
You're incredible.
The shoot turned out amazing. 
I can't wait until the final edit.
Behind the Scenes videos coming soon.

The film crew:

Behind the Scenes videos coming soon