
Dreaded Accomplice

At my transfer stop this morning on the subway,
I quickly crossed the platform and found a seat.
Within seconds, a wretched stench raped my nose.
It was a mix between old people and anything rotten.
So for the next twenty minutes as I waited to get to school,
I sat wondering what this horrible smell was coming from.

Then, as the train pulled up to the platform,
I stood up and looked back to check to see if I had left anything,
Only to discover that the person I was sitting next to the entire time,
Was an very old man in slumber,
And a head full dreadlocks,
Barely contained in a dread cap.
I stared in horror as I ran from the train. 

I have nothing against people with dreads.
Honestly, I think they look kinda cool.
Just spray a little Febreeze in there every once in a while. 

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