
Farewell Uniqlo!

Good bye to Men's Floor.
Good bye to the Fitting Room.
Good bye to the Cashwrap.
Good bye to the endless piles of dump.
Bye to the immobile peak hours.
Bye to the annoying playlist of alternating house 
and mellow Christmas music.
Bye to the various styles of HeatTech.
Bye to the new zebra print HeatTech tights for men.
Bye Soft Touch.
Bye to Merino and 100% Cashmere.
Bye to +J.

Okay, seriously, it's not that big of a deal.
Today was my last day.
Saturday, rather.
But I didn't get off until 12.
Anyway, these past two days were INSANE.
We had to close out the store an hour early (9pm)
because it was so messy.
Everything was a mess. 
The floor looked terrible.
And the Fitting Room was even worse.
The checkout line went past the elevators
(thats REALLY long)
But we did it.
My last night, I was dead tired, 
but we got everything cleaned up by 12 midnight.
We left at 12:30am on Friday.

Anyway, I was suppose to meet up with Andrea and Yue Ping after work,
But, since my iPhone died right before I got out,
I had no idea where they were.
I walked around for 30 mins looking for them
But, no luck.
I then went home and ate Halal Food.
I honestly hope I don't have an upset stomach when I wake up.
If I even sleep.
In the morning I have to do laundry before I head to the city.
Ughh, so much work.
So little time.

I'm leaving for Oneida, TN, my hometown, Monday night.
I was so happy to leave Oneida a year and a half ago.
But I haven't been home in a year,
and even though I'll be expecting nothing more than chilling at the bottom of Wal-mart parking lot,
or the apparent blizzard situation thats happening down there, 
I've never been so excited to go back.
I'm staying my entire three weeks I have off from school there.
I still have to pack, so I'll do that tomorrow or something.
I also have to go shopping tomorrow.
Andrea is gonna buy me some boots!!
I'm so excited! =D
Anyway, I'm just psyched to go home and just relax for a little bit.
I'll be blogging my entire getaway, so expect some unexciting updates.


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