
A Walmart Catastrophe

This is my second day back in Tennessee.
In the morning, I drove back over to Anna's apartment.
I had mistakenly taken her MacBook charger,
and apparently,
she also crashed her new iPhone4,
within the day she got it.
So I went to return her charger with my best friend Jerrica.
We then took her iPhone to the Apple Genius Bar to have it serviced,
turns out, it was defective so she got a replacement phone.
After dropping her off at her apartment,
she suddenly realized that we forgot her MacBook at the Apple store,
freaking out, we called back to see if they had it.
And they did, so she said she will go back after work to get it.
Freak out over.
I then headed back to Oneida with Jerrica.
Not having driven in nearly a year,
it's safe to say my driving skills were a bit...not on point.
I nearly missed the exit going home,
and almost swerved into oncoming traffic.
I need more practice. 
Once I came back into Oneida, I met up with Pyper.

This is me and Pyper.
She is one of my best friends.
We went to Walmart!!!!!

Ed Hardy Seat Covers

 Some Creepy I Love Lucy Barbie Doll

The First Asian Children's Doll I've Ever Seen

Self-Explanatory :)