
A Warm Welcome

Twelve hours from my departure from NY,
I found myself stepping off the Asian Fung Wah Bus,
into my first of three weeks in Tennessee.
I was in Knoxville,
it was reminiscent of Staten Island in some ways.
It was a small city.
I found my sister waiting for me in Chloe, her white Mazda3.
We headed to her Knoxville apartment,
where she made me a breakfast feast of 
eggs, bacon, toast, and chocolate chip pancakes. 
It was gooooooood.
I toured her apartment and her vast wall of liquor.
And her penis shooters...
Then I met her roommate's puppies, Twix and Tricot(sp?)
(Twix is shown below)
My parents came around noon and we went shopping.
Mom and Anna both got an iPhone 4 today. 
We get to FaceTime each other now :)
Then, sadly, Anna went into work.
Won't get to see her until Christmas Day because of her work schedule.

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