
Work....Then Real Work

I got to school late because I had to do laundry today.
I haven't done it in nearly a month... I'm such a bum =/.
Then when I got to school, 
I not only procrastinated by getting food instead of working, 
I took a short nap right before having to go to Uniqlo for work.
Which I over slept for 15 mins, but made it to work 5 minutes late.
Therefore, I accomplished nothing today. 
Keep in mind, it's near finals week. O_O... 

On my 30 minute break at my "real job", 
I waltzed into Starbucks to get one of my favorite drinks, 
Sweetened Venti Green Tea Frap with Whip. 
I had already eaten a Low-fat Very Berry Coffee Cake before the pics. 
It was delightful. 
Just me, Starbucks, and my iPhone. 

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